2-day "Advanced training seminar part 2"

This course has been compiled based on the latest research and development and can be attended by those who followed the advanced part 2 training. This module will help experienced Scenar therapists to improve the effect of their treatments and to speed up the recovery process of patients with a complex diagnosis. The following subjects are represented in this training:

  • General view on the method “SCENAR-Rules”.
  • Method “The Point” (“1st SCENAR-Rule”). This method is helping the body to fix the local symptoms and to regulate them in the optimal way.
  • Method “2nd, 3rd SCENAR Rules”, principle “Basic”. This method is helping the body to build up the interrelations between the central and peripheral structures of adaptive regulation for the optimal treatment of the problem. It also helps the body to fix its attention on the most active areas through usage of the nerve system central structures activity.

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